10 Habits

  1. They set clear goals. Successful people know what they want, and they have a plan to get there. They set clear, specific goals for themselves and work towards achieving them. By having a clear direction, they are able to focus their energy and resources on what matters most. This helps them stay motivated and on track, and it allows them to measure their progress and make adjustments as needed.
  2. They are proactive. Successful people don’t wait for opportunities to come to them – they create their own. They are proactive in seeking out new opportunities and making things happen. Rather than reacting to situations, they take control and actively work towards their goals. This proactive approach allows them to be proactive in their careers and personal lives, and it helps them seize new opportunities as they arise.
  3. They are consistent. Successful people are consistent in their actions and habits. They don’t just work hard occasionally, they work hard consistently. Whether it’s showing up to work on time every day or putting in extra time to complete a project, they are reliable and consistent in their efforts. This consistency allows them to build momentum and make progress towards their goals, and it helps them establish a reputation for being dependable and hardworking.
  1. They are resilient. Successful people don’t let setbacks and failures get them down. They are resilient and bounce back from challenges quickly. They view failures as learning opportunities and use them to improve and grow. This resilience allows them to persevere through difficult times and keeps them from becoming discouraged or defeated.
  2. They are open to learning. Successful people are lifelong learners. They are open to new ideas and are constantly seeking out opportunities to learn and grow. They are receptive to feedback and are willing to adapt and change as needed. This open-minded approach allows them to stay current and relevant in their field, and it helps them continuously improve and evolve.
  3. They are disciplined. Successful people have self-discipline and are able to control their thoughts and actions. They have the ability to stay focused and avoid distractions, and they are able to resist temptation and make sacrifices in order to achieve their goals. This discipline allows them to stay on track and make progress towards their goals, and it helps them avoid pitfalls and distractions.
  4. They are adaptable. Successful people are adaptable and able to roll with the punches. They are flexible and can adjust to new situations and challenges as they come. They are able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions. This adaptability allows them to navigate change and uncertainty, and it helps them stay resilient and resourceful.
  5. They are organized. Successful people are organized and know how to manage their time effectively. They prioritize their tasks and are able to juggle multiple projects without getting overwhelmed. They are also able to delegate tasks and work efficiently with a team. This organization allows them to be productive and efficient, and it helps them avoid feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
  6. They are confident. Successful people have confidence in their abilities and believe in themselves. They are able to communicate effectively and present themselves with poise and self-assurance. They are not afraid to take risks and embrace challenges. This confidence allows them to take on new challenges and pursue their goals with conviction, and it helps them inspire and influence others.
  7. They are positive. Successful people have a positive attitude and approach to life. They focus on the good things and are able to find the silver lining in difficult situations. They are optimistic and have a growth mindset, believing that with hard work and effort, they can improve and achieve their goals. This positive attitude helps them stay motivated and energized, and it helps them attract positive opportunities and experiences.

Calculating costs and benefits

The process of calculating costs and benefits is also called calculating return on investment, or ROI. There are many ways to determine a project’s ROI, but the easiest way is to compare the upfront and ongoing costs to its benefits over time.

One common ROI formula is:

In this formula, G represents the financial gains you expect from the project, and C represents the upfront and ongoing costs of your investment in the project.

For example, imagine your project costs $6,000 up front plus $25 per month for 12 months. This equals $300 per year, but you estimate that the project will bring in $10,000 in revenue over the course of that year. Using the formula above, you calculate the ROI as: ($10,000 – $6,300) ÷ $6,300 = 0.58 = 58%

The ROI comes to 0.58, or 58%. You consider this to be a strong ROI, so you decide to pursue the project.

Performing a cost-benefit analysis can help you and your stakeholders determine if it makes sense to take on a new project by evaluating if its benefits outweigh its costs. When conducting cost-benefit analyses for your prospective projects, you can use the guiding questions and ROI formula provided in this reading as a reference. 

To learn more about performing a cost-benefit analysis, check out these articles:






Rust and WebAssembly

There are two use cases for Rust and WebAssembly

  • Build an entire application based in Rust
  • Build a part of the application with usin Rust and a front end js framework

Install Rust

Wasm Pack



Network Protocols

IP – Internet protocol

This is the basic layer of the protocols. Almost all communication in the internet network is implemented using this protocol. This is the address (numeric labels) of all the devices connected to the computer network. IP addresses can be either public or private. There are two versions of IP addresses IPv4 and IPv6.  All other protocols (TCP, UDP etc) are built top of IP.

Messages over IP are communicated as packets, which are small bundle of information at 2^16 bytes. Each packet will have a Header and Data part. Header will have all the meta data about the packets and data



When we need blockchain

Blockchain is not a solution for all the applications.

It’s good for applications with following characteristics.

Decentralized Problems

Peer to Peer transactions

Beyond boundaries of trust among unknown peers

Require validation, verification and immutable ledger

Autonomous operations guided by rules and policies